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30% off A-OK Dog Supplements

Dog Supplements

A-OK9 is currently having a sale with 30% off supplements side wide. You can access their page here (and use on every day my code BULLYCO to save - but tbh they often have fab offers!).

I'm one of their official partners and we have tried many of their products ourselves. You can find a video of the unboxing here and below that you can find our household favourites that we use on a constant basis.

Products we really like and use regularly

Plaque Remover

The Plaque-K9 is a great alternative to brushing your dog's teeth and keep their oral hygiene. Here's a quote from the product description from the A-OK9 webpage:

Our vets and nutritionists have come up with a handy way to take the hassle out of canine dental care by creating an easy-to-feed dental supplement which maintains dental hygiene and prevents the build up of plaque and tartar. Helping with problems of bad breath and dirty teeth.

We use this on a regular basis - by simply adding it onto a Lickimat. If your dog doesn't like the taste (mine can be picky with new things at first), we then simply add a bit of Sardine or something and mix it up. Plaque contains Kelp, Parsley, Fennel, Dill, Chamomile, Peppermint and Fragaria Powder.

Calm & Calm Senior Boost

Calm K-9 has been developed as a natural support to your training you do with your dog, to help support your dog's brain and gut microbiome. It's a non-sedative dietary supplement and great for dogs who bark, lunge or lack focus.

High-quality natural ingredients - Made with mood-boosting Tryptophan, a gut supporting probiotic, soothing L-glutamic Acid, and calming Passiflora and Lemon Balm.

Dogs are 'classified' as senior dogs when they are over the age of 7 to 8. When dogs age their brain function can decrease (cognitive decline). This can lead to reduced energy or alertness, disorientation, confusion, forgetfulness, increased anxiety or disinterest. I order to keep your senior dog healthy you want to make some changes to their lifestyle and environment (more on this in my Canine Enrichment Course too). Training can also help.

The Calm-K9 Senior Boost is basically the senior dog version of the Calm K-9. Lemon Balm can help to promote cognitive function, B vitamins for brain and nerve support. Lutein, vitamin C and vitamin E to promote vision and hearing. A 2016 study (Wang et. al) showed supplementing your dog’s diet with Lutein would be beneficial and effective in the long-term preservation and improvement of eyesight

K9 Brain Protection Blend: A 2018 study showed long-term supplementation with a Brain Protection Blend (made up of anti-oxidants and B vitamins) to have cognition-improving effects and supported the use of nutritional strategies for promoting brain wellness in dogs over the age of 7!

They also offer a FREE E-Book 'Senior Dog Bible - Health and Nutrition for the older Dog' which you can download here.

If your dog is not on a joint supplement, the Flexi is very popular! Mine are on YuMove but we also tried the Flexi.

Wet Food Squeezer Bottle

The Wet Food Squeezer Bottles (pack of 2) are great if you want to take wet food or even raw on the go with you for training and rewarding outside - whilst keeping your hands clean.


The Prime | Wellness Supplement is a supplement to promote pet and sport dog's all-round well-being and condition.

Wellness is all about supporting your dog as a whole - from their immune system, through to their brain and behaviour, organs, muscles, joints, skin and coat!
The world throws a lot at our dogs from pollution and toxins, infectious agents and general damage to the cells of their body - supporting the natural protection and healing systems in a world of less than natural assaults to their bodies is key!